Information Sheet #11 - Brownouts & The Adverse Effect On Electric Induction Motors.
1.0 Introduction:
Primarily when considering the reliability of electric power from the utility system, the first concern is a complete power outage referred to as a “Blackout”, but there is another potentially equally damaging scenario to connected electrical equipment termed a “Brownout”. A Brownout is different than a Blackout. In a Brownout, the voltage provided by the power supply drops below its standard value, but the electric service is not interrupted completely. A Brownout is defined as a period of reduced voltage of electric utility power, particularly in periods of high demand on the utility supply, that results in reduced illumination.
2.0 What Causes Brownouts?:
Brownouts can be created intentionally by the utility power supply to manage a load reduction in an emergency and to avoid going to a full blackout. The power company tries to avoid brownouts due to the potential adverse effects on various connected loads.
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